

少钧 开源情报俱乐部 2024-05-22

自从DigitalGlobePlanet Labs等公司提供的高分辨率数据出现以来,卫星报道的数量如雨后春笋般涌现。尽管分辨率较低,但开源数据依旧是一种有效且及时的数据来源,还没有得到充分利用。







图片来源:Mark Corcoran,牛津大学路透社研究所奖学金论文       



图片来源:Mark Corcoran,





图片来源:Mark Corcoran,路透社研究所奖学金论文,牛津大学


将这些波段视为双筒望远镜的一种形式,可以发现原本会隐藏在数据中的事物。这些频段的正确组合是关键。可以在数据上运行各种脚本(可以使用不同的波段组合)(在本地计算机或Sentinel hub上)。        


  1. Python 3.6

  2. 一个合适的Tif阅读器(如果想下载光栅文件,则需要Tif阅读器)

  3. Jupyter 笔记本和各种python包

  4. Sentinel hub的免费帐户(在python教程中找到使用介绍)


使用 Sentinel Hub 浏览器工具搜索


对于探索和调查,EO 浏览器是一个不错的选择(如果想更进一步的话,“ Sentinel Playground ”的卫星数量较少,但提供了一种更容易探索的方式)。         

开源卫星平台可能会提供在工作流中使用python的有限选项。Sentinel Hub 在这方面运行了一些有用的选项。         


哨兵3地表地形观测海洋和陆地表面颜色观测和监测。Sentinel-3 OLCI仪器确保 Envisat Meris的连续性
哨兵5P监测空气中一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化氮(NO2)和臭氧(O3)的浓度。监测紫外线气溶胶指数 (AER_AI) 和云的各种地球物理参数 (CLOUD)
Landsat5/7和8 的ESA档案植被监测土地利用土地覆盖图变化监测 Landsat 8 的全球覆盖范围 - Envisat Meris和旧数据
GIBSNASA 提供了包含600多颗卫星的全球图像浏览器服务




免费提供的首选资源构成了Landsat 8数据(来源美国地质调查局提供)以及Sentinel-2数据。

Sentinel-2 在可见光和红外光谱部分提供比其开源同事更高分辨率的图像 ,非常适合监测植被、土壤和水覆盖、内陆水道和沿海地区的任务。        


  1. 转到EO浏览器—注册并登录(免费)

  2. 选择Sentinel-2

  3. 通过将云覆盖范围限制在 30% 来缩小数据收集范围。

  4. 发现美国加利福尼亚州的野火,该野火在 2018年7月至 8月期间达到顶峰(它们在全州范围内的影响非常全面,您应该不难发现云层)         

Natchez火灾(2018年7月20日):41.956°N 123.551°W Carr火灾(2018 年7月28日):40.6543°N 122.6236°W Mendocino Complex 火灾(2018年7月29日):39.243283°N 123.103367°W弗格森火灾(7月14, 2018): 37.652°N 119.881°W                   



// Visualizing (wild)fires in Sentinel-2 imagery// For use in Sinergise EO Browser (http://apps.sentinel-hub.com/eo-browser)// https://pierre-markuse.net/2018/04/30/visualizing-wildfires-burn-scars-sentinel-hub-eo-browser/// Pierre Markuse (@pierre_markuse)// Wildfire and burn scar visualization in Sentinel-2 images V2.0.0// Twitter: Pierre Markuse (@pierre_markuse)// CC BY 4.0 International - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
function a(a, b) {return a + b};function stretch(val, min, max) {return (val - min) / (max - min);}function satEnh(rgbArr) { var avg = rgbArr.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / rgbArr.length; return rgbArr.map(a => avg * (1 - saturation) + a * saturation); }function highlightBurnscar(val, oLow, oHigh, deSat, darken) { if ((B12 + B11 > 0.05) && (val > 0)) { if (((B8A - B12) / (B8A + B12)) > oLow) { saturation = saturation - deSat; stretchMax = stretchMax + darken; } else { if (((B8A - B12) / (B8A + B12)) <= oHigh) { noFire[0] = noFire[0] + 0.2 * val; noFire[1] = noFire[1] + 0.05 * val; } else { noFire[0] = noFire[0] + 0.15 * val; noFire[1] = noFire[1] + 0.15 * val; } } }}function indexMap(ind, lVal, mVal, hVal, cont, dir, pal) { var col1=GREEN;var col2=YELLOW;var col3=RED; if (pal == 1) {col1=CBL;col2=CBM;col3=CBH;} if (pal == 2) {col1=OWNL;col2=OWNM;col3=OWNH;} var lValCol = col1; var mValCol = col2;var hValCol = col3; if (dir == 1){ lValCol = col3;hValCol = col1; } if (cont == 0) { if (ind <= lVal) return lValCol; if ((ind > lVal) && (ind < hVal)) return mValCol; if (ind >= hVal) return hValCol; } else { return colorBlend(ind, [lVal, mVal,hVal], [lValCol,mValCol,hValCol]); }}function blend(bArr1, bArr2, opa1, opa2) { return bArr1.map(function(num, index) { return (num / 100 * opa1 + bArr2[index] / 100 * opa2); });}function applyEnh(bArr) { highlightBurnscar(burnscarHighlight, burnscarThresholdLow, burnscarThresholdHigh, burnscarDesaturateBackdrop, burnscarDarkenBackdrop); return satEnh([stretch(bArr[0], stretchMin, stretchMax), stretch(bArr[1], stretchMin, stretchMax), stretch(bArr[2], stretchMin, stretchMax)]);}var BLACK = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];var RED = [0.9, 0.1, 0.1];var YELLOW = [0.9, 0.9, 0.1];var GREEN = [0.0, 0.6, 0.0];var CBL = [0/255, 80/255, 0/255];var CBM = [120/255, 120/255, 230/255];var CBH = [70/255, 195/255, 255/255];var OWNL = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];var OWNM = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];var OWNH = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];// Visualization style of the different fire zonesvar Fire1OVL = [stretch((2.1 * B04 + 0.5 * B12), 0.01, 0.99) + 1.1, stretch((2.2 * B03 + 0.5 * B08), 0.01, 0.99), stretch(2.1 * B02, 0.01, 0.99)];var Fire2OVL = [stretch((2.1 * B04 + 0.5 * B12), 0.01, 0.99) + 1.1, stretch((2.2 * B03 + 0.5 * B08), 0.01, 0.99) + 0.25, stretch(2.1 * B02, 0.01, 0.99)];var Fire3OVL = [stretch((2.1 * B04 + 0.5 * B12), 0.01, 0.99) + 1.1, stretch((2.2 * B03 + 0.5 * B08), 0.01, 0.99) + 0.5, stretch(2.1 * B02, 0.01, 0.99)];// Band combinations (To get quicker processing you should comment out all those you are not using in the Settings further down)var NaturalColors = [2.9 * B04, 3.1 * B03, 3.0 * B02];// var EnhancedNaturalColors = [2.8 * B04 + 0.1 * B05, 2.8 * B03 + 0.15 * B08, 2.8 * B02];// var NaturalNIRSWIRMix = [2.1 * B04 + 0.5 * B12, 2.2 * B03 + 0.5 * B08, 3.0 * B02];// var NIRSWIRColors1 = [2.6 * B12, 1.9 * B08, 2.7 * B02];var NIRSWIRColors2 = [2.4 * B12, 1.7 * B8A, 2.2 * B05];// var NIRSWIRColors3 = [0.5 * (B12 + B11) / 4 / B07, 0.8 * B8A, 1 * B07];// var NIRSWIRColors4 = [2.0 * B12, 1.1 * B11, 1.6 * B08];// var FalseColor = [B08 * 2, B04 * 2, B03 * 2];// var NatFalseColor = [B12 * 2.6, B11 * 2, B04 * 2.7];// var Vegetation = [B11 * 2.4, B8A * 2, B04 * 2.9];// var PanBand = [B08, B08, B08];// var NBR8A12 = indexMap((B8A - B12) / (B8A + B12), -0.8, -0.4, 0.0, 1, 1, 1);// var NDVI = indexMap((B08 - B04) / (B08 + B04), -0.4, -0.2, 0.0, 1, 1, 1);// Settings// Fire (hot spot) visualizationvar fire1 = Fire1OVL;var fire2 = Fire2OVL;var fire3 = Fire3OVL;// Used band combinations and mixingvar layer1 = NIRSWIRColors2;var layer2 = NaturalColors;var layer1Amount = 0;var layer2Amount = 100;// Influence contrast and saturationvar stretchMin = 0.00;var stretchMax = 1.00;var saturation = 1.00;// Fire sensitivity (Default = 1.00), higher values increase fire (hot spot) detection and false positivesvar fireSensitivity = 1.00;// Burn scar visualizationvar burnscarHighlight = 0.00;var burnscarThresholdLow = -0.25;var burnscarThresholdHigh = -0.38;var burnscarDesaturateBackdrop = 0.25;var burnscarDarkenBackdrop = 0.25;// Manually influence RGB outputvar manualCorrection = [0.00, 0.00, 0.00];// Image generation and outputnoFire = blend(layer1, layer2, layer1Amount, layer2Amount);finalRGB = applyEnh(noFire).map(function(num, index) { return num + manualCorrection[index];});return (a(B12, B11) > (1.0 / fireSensitivity)) ? (a(B12, B11) > (2.0 / fireSensitivity)) ? fire3 : (a(B12, B11) > (1.5 / fireSensitivity)) ? fire2 : fire1 :   finalRGB;




Pierre Markuse的例子:


Pierre Markuse的代码脚本:

// VERSION=3// QuickFire V1.0.0 by Pierre Markuse (https://twitter.com/Pierre_Markuse)// Made for use in the Sentinel Hub EO Browser (https://apps.sentinel-hub.com/eo-browser/?)// CC BY 4.0 International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
function setup() { return { input: ["B01","B02","B03","B04","B08","B8A","B11","B12","CLP", "dataMask"], output: { bands: 4 } };}
function stretch(val, min, max) {return (val - min) / (max - min);}
function satEnh(arr, s) { var avg = arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / arr.length; return arr.map(a => avg * (1 - s) + a * s);}
function layerBlend(lay1, lay2, lay3, op1, op2, op3) { return lay1.map(function(num, index) { return (num / 100 * op1 + (lay2[index] / 100 * op2) + (lay3[index] / 100 * op3)); }); }
function evaluatePixel(sample) { const hsThreshold = [2.0, 1.5, 1.25, 1.0]; const hotspot = 1; const style = 1; const hsSensitivity = 1.0; const boost = 1;
const cloudAvoidance = 1; const cloudAvoidanceThreshold = 245; const avoidanceHelper = 0.8;
const offset = -0.000; const saturation = 1.10; const brightness = 1.00; const sMin = 0.01; const sMax = 0.99;
const showBurnscars = 0; const burnscarThreshold = -0.25; const burnscarStrength = 0.3;
const NDWI = (sample.B03-sample.B08)/(sample.B03+sample.B08); const NDVI = (sample.B08-sample.B04)/(sample.B08+sample.B04); const waterHighlight = 0; const waterBoost = 2.0; const NDVI_threshold = -0.15; const NDWI_threshold = 0.15; const waterHelper = 0.2;
const Black = [0, 0, 0]; const NBRindex = (sample.B08-sample.B12) / (sample.B08+sample.B12); const naturalColorsCC = [Math.sqrt(brightness * sample.B04 + offset), Math.sqrt(brightness * sample.B03 + offset), Math.sqrt(brightness * sample.B02 + offset)]; const naturalColors = [(2.5 * brightness * sample.B04 + offset), (2.5 * brightness * sample.B03 + offset), (2.5 * brightness * sample.B02 + offset)]; const URBAN = [Math.sqrt(brightness * sample.B12 * 1.2 + offset), Math.sqrt(brightness * sample.B11 * 1.4 + offset), Math.sqrt(brightness * sample.B04 + offset)]; const SWIR = [Math.sqrt(brightness * sample.B12 + offset), Math.sqrt(brightness * sample.B8A + offset), Math.sqrt(brightness * sample.B04 + offset)]; const NIRblue = colorBlend(sample.B08, [0, 0.25, 1], [[0/255, 0/255, 0/255],[0/255, 100/255, 175/255],[150/255, 230/255, 255/255]]); const classicFalse = [sample.B08 * brightness, sample.B04 * brightness, sample.B03 * brightness]; const NIR = [sample.B08 * brightness, sample.B08 * brightness, sample.B08 * brightness]; const atmoPen = [sample.B12 * brightness, sample.B11 * brightness, sample.B08 * brightness]; var enhNaturalColors = [0, 0, 0]; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { enhNaturalColors[i] = (brightness * ((naturalColors[i] + naturalColorsCC[i]) / 2) + (URBAN[i] / 10)); }
const manualCorrection = [0.00, 0.00, 0.00];
var Viz = layerBlend(URBAN, naturalColors, naturalColorsCC, 10, 40, 50); // Choose visualization(s) and opacity here
if (waterHighlight) { if ((NDVI < NDVI_threshold) && (NDWI > NDWI_threshold) && (sample.B04 < waterHelper)) { Viz[1] = Viz[1] * 1.2 * waterBoost + 0.1; Viz[2] = Viz[2] * 1.5 * waterBoost + 0.2; } }
Viz = satEnh(Viz, saturation); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { Viz[i] = stretch(Viz[i], sMin, sMax); Viz[i] += manualCorrection[i]; }
if (hotspot) { if ((!cloudAvoidance) || ((sample.CLP<cloudAvoidanceThreshold) && (sample.B02<avoidanceHelper))) { switch (style) { case 1: if ((sample.B12 + sample.B11) > (hsThreshold[0] / hsSensitivity)) return [((boost * 0.50 * sample.B12)+Viz[0]), ((boost * 0.50 * sample.B11)+Viz[1]), Viz[2], sample.dataMask]; if ((sample.B12 + sample.B11) > (hsThreshold[1] / hsSensitivity)) return [((boost * 0.50 * sample.B12)+Viz[0]), ((boost * 0.20 * sample.B11)+Viz[1]), Viz[2], sample.dataMask]; if ((sample.B12 + sample.B11) > (hsThreshold[2] / hsSensitivity)) return [((boost * 0.50 * sample.B12)+Viz[0]), ((boost * 0.10 * sample.B11)+Viz[1]), Viz[2], sample.dataMask]; if ((sample.B12 + sample.B11) > (hsThreshold[3] / hsSensitivity)) return [((boost * 0.50 * sample.B12)+Viz[0]), ((boost * 0.00 * sample.B11)+Viz[1]), Viz[2], sample.dataMask]; break; case 2: if ((sample.B12 + sample.B11) > (hsThreshold[3] / hsSensitivity)) return [1, 0, 0, sample.dataMask]; break; case 3: if ((sample.B12 + sample.B11) > (hsThreshold[3] / hsSensitivity)) return [1, 1, 0, sample.dataMask]; break; case 4: if ((sample.B12 + sample.B11) > (hsThreshold[3] / hsSensitivity)) return [Viz[0] + 0.2, Viz[1] - 0.2, Viz[2] - 0.2, sample.dataMask]; break; default: } } }
if (showBurnscars) { if (NBRindex<burnscarThreshold) { Viz[0] = Viz[0] + burnscarStrength; Viz[1] = Viz[1] + burnscarStrength; } }
return [Viz[0], Viz[1], Viz[2], sample.dataMask];}                 








其他波段组合可用于说明存在野火风险的潜在区域。植被干燥度就是此类指标之一。水分压力指数 - 或 MSI - 可以揭示这些干燥区域 - 并有助于进行所谓的“火灾危险条件分析”。


// Simple Ratio 1600/820 Moisture Stress Index (abbrv. MSI)// General formula: 1600nm / 820nm// URL https://www.indexdatabase.de/db/si-single.php?sensor_id=96&rsindex_id=48
let index = B11 / B08;return[index]


//// Simple Ratio 1600/820 Moisture Stress Index (abbrv. MSI)//// General formula: 1600nm / 820nm//// URL https://www.indexdatabase.de/db/si-single.php?sensor_id=96&rsindex_id=48//
let index = B11 / B08;let min = 0.058;let max = 17.145;
// colorBlend will return a color when the index is between min and max and white when it is less than min.// To see black when it is more than max, uncomment the last line of colorBlend.// The min/max values were computed automatically and may be poorly specified, feel free to change them to tweak the displayed range.
let underflow_color = [1, 1, 1];let low_color = [208/255, 88/255, 126/255];let high_color = [241/255, 234/255, 200/255];let overflow_color = [0, 0, 0];
return colorBlend(index, [min, min, max],[ underflow_color, low_color, high_color, //overflow_color // uncomment to see overflows]);         

为了使用Sentinel Hub服务,注册一个Sentinel Hub帐户(此免费注册地址https://www.sentinel-hub.com/ )。

登录到Sentinel Hub配置器。具有实例ID(长度为36位字母数字代码)的配置将已经存在。对于本教程,建议创建一个新配置(通过“添加新配置”)并将配置设置为基于“ Python 脚本模板”。

记下配置的实例 ID 并将其粘贴到INSTANCE_ID变量声明中: 

INSTANCE_ID = 'your ID from sentinel hub' # In case you put instance ID into configuration file you can leave this unchanged
%reload_ext autoreload%autoreload 2%matplotlib inlineimport datetimeimport numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sentinelhub import WmsRequest, WcsRequest, MimeType, CRS, BBoxdef plot_image(image, factor=1): """ Utility function for plotting RGB images. """ fig = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(15, 7))
if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.floating): plt.imshow(np.minimum(image * factor, 1)) else: plt.imshow(image)
from sentinelhub import CustomUrlParam

# Tip: if you want to insert the coordinates from google, you will need to set# the first two coordinates for the upper left corner (-122.41, 39.31)# and second two (-122.75, 39.55) will refer to lower right corner of the box# Lastly: lat long from Google maps needs to be switched around (e.g. for lower corner # google maps will give you '39.55, -122.75'; you need to switch out around to read -122.75, 39.55)
betsiboka_coords_wgs84 = [-122.41, 39.31, -122.75, 39.55]betsiboka_bbox2 = BBox(bbox=betsiboka_coords_wgs84, crs=CRS.WGS84)

my_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sentinel-hub/custom-scripts/master/sentinel-2/markuse_fire/script.js'
evalscripturl_wms_request = WmsRequest(layer='TRUE-COLOR-S2-L1C', # Layer parameter can be any existing layer bbox=betsiboka_bbox2, time='2018-08-28', width=512, instance_id=INSTANCE_ID, custom_url_params={CustomUrlParam.EVALSCRIPTURL: my_url})
evalscripturl_wms_data = evalscripturl_wms_request.get_data()plot_image(evalscripturl_wms_data[0])


所有请求都需要一个边界框作为 sentinelhub.geometry.BBox 的实例,并带有相应的坐标参考系统 (sentinelhub.geometry.CRS)。我们将使用 WGS84,我们可以使用 sentinelhub.geometry.CRS 中预定义的 WGS84 坐标参考系统。

现在只需提供JS evalscript的URL地址(此专用页面上提供了许多其他现成的脚本,地址:https://github.com/sentinel-hub/custom-scripts)。



Python 输出:

使用提供的 wildfire JS evalscript 下载 Sentinel-2 图像         



火灾强度代表有机物质在燃烧过程中释放的能量 (Keeley, 2009)。还指火势活跃时的火势强度。另一方面,烧伤严重程度描述了火灾强度如何影响被烧毁地区生态系统的功能。观察到的影响通常在区域内和不同生态系统之间有所不同(Keeley,2009 年)。烧伤严重程度也可以描述为一个区域被火灾改变或破坏的程度。图1显示了火灾强度和燃烧严重程度之间的差异。




// Normalized Difference NIR/SWIR Normalized Burn Ratio (abbrv. NBR)// General formula: (NIR - SWIR) / (NIR + SWIR)// URL https://www.indexdatabase.de/db/si-single.php?sensor_id=96&rsindex_id=53
let index = (B08 - B12) / (B08 + B12);return[index]

Python 输出:

使用提供的 NBR JS evalscript 下载 Sentinel-2 图像             


依靠野火脚本找到准将Suheil al-Hassan的藏身处——“叙利亚最臭名昭著的军阀之一”(大西洋邮报)

这位有着可怕绰号“老虎”的将军Qawat Al-Nimr aka Tiger Forces的掌舵手,是叙利亚阿拉伯军队的一支精锐编队,在叙利亚内战中主要充当进攻部队。

据侵犯文件中心(VDC) 称,在叙利亚收复古塔东部的行动中,老虎部队最近执行的行动造成至少600名平民死亡,其中至少100名是儿童。

为了找出 Suheil al-Hassan 在2016年的藏身之处,执行了一项典型的情报工作,并从观看以下视频开始:



Suheil al-Hassan 准将(又名老虎)的藏身处(左)




  • 在 Google 上搜索阿勒颇热电厂”。维基百科链接为我们提供了The Thermal Power Plant的 long/lat。

  • 接下来,转到Google地球或 Google 地图并输入找到的坐标:36°10'30″ N 37°26'22″ E '。将看到在工厂右侧的一组被烧毁的塔楼。

在EO Brower上,打开道路并输入Google地图结果中的经度和纬度 (36.175000, 37.439444)(进入EO浏览器的搜索窗口)。在案例中,我们对2016年2月16日 (2016-02-16) 比较感兴趣,为此我们目睹了奇妙的烟雾。







Benjamin Strick是一位冲突、安全、武器和数字取证领域的开源专家,也是Bellingcat的调查员(他也提出了这个例子)解释说,它确实有助于显示当时哪些塔着火了。Al-Hassan在工厂中的后期图像可以证实:那天那四座塔着火了。

从太空中发现地方的具体细节有其优点。一个是在人权领域。最近的一项调查表明,卫星图像有助于从太空揭示一些地方的人权奴隶制。英国诺丁汉大学权利实验室数据项目主任 Doreen Boyd 估计,从太空中可以看到三分之一的人权奴隶制——无论是窑炉或非法矿山的伤痕,还是短暂的鱼类加工营地(可以说,高分辨率商业图像可能更适合这种调查)。




使用Sentinel-2多光谱和多时相图像,编写了一个Jupyter notebook* 来检测水体的水位。


  • 定义一些水体的几何形状

  • 准备和执行水检测的完整工作流程:使用SentinelHub服务下载 Sentinel-2 数据(真彩色和 NDWI 索引)并使用s2cloudless云检测器进行云检测(链接地址:https://github.com/sentinel-hub/sentinel2-cloud-detector),最后检测水。

  • 可视化一段时间内的水体和水位。

  • 过滤掉多云场景以改善结果。


  • `eo-learn` — https://github.com/sentinel-hub/eo-learn

  • `Water Observatory Backend` —https://github.com/sentinel-hub/water-observatory-backend



$ means terminal code
1. Create a new working directory and enter it
$ mkdir workshop$ cd workshop
2. Check python versionpython version should optimally be >3.6, if not, you have to install it (using sudo-apt or brew etc..)
$ python --version
3. Create python virtual environmentthis creates an empty python virtual environment
$ python -m venv water_detection
load it by running
$ source water_detection/bin/activate
you should now have a specific instance of python running
4. Downloading and installing requirementsdownload eo-learn and water-observatory-backend from github
$ git clone https://github.com/sentinel-hub/eo-learn.git$ git clone https://github.com/sentinel-hub/water-observatory-backend.git
5. install eo-learn
$ cd eo-learn$ python install_all.py '-e'
go back
$ cd ..
6. upgrade pip, install ipython,jupyter notebook and other things
$ pip install --upgrade pip$ pip install jupyter$ pip install recordclass
downgrade tornado (current issues with latest release)
$ pip install tornado==5.1.1
7. download workshop notebook
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlubej/water_detection_notebook/master/water_level_extraction.ipynb
8. run the jupyter notebook and execute it
$ path_to_workdir/water_detection/bin/jupyter notebook


说明:与前面的示例一样:需要一个Sentinel Hub帐户。可以在Sentinel Hub网页上创建免费试用帐户。设置帐户后,登录Sentinel Hub Configurator。默认情况下,已经拥有带有实例ID(长度为 36 的字母数字代码)的默认配置。对于本教程,建议创建一个新配置 ( "Add new configuration") 并将配置设置为基于Python脚本模板。这样的配置将已经包含这些示例中使用的所有层。准备好配置后,请将配置的按照配置说明将实例 ID添加到sentinelhub包的配置文件中(配置说明链接:https://sentinelhub-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configure.html)。         


# set the autoreload and the inline plotting for matplotlib%reload_ext autoreload%autoreload 2%matplotlib inline
# data manipulationimport numpy as npimport matplotlibimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
# image manipulationsfrom skimage.filters import threshold_otsu, sobelfrom skimage.morphology import erosion, dilation, opening, closing, white_tophat, disk
# GIS relatedimport geopandas as gpdfrom shapely.wkt import loadsfrom shapely.geometry import shape, MultiPolygon, Polygon
# eo-learn relatedfrom eolearn.core import EOTask, EOPatch, LinearWorkflow, Dependency, FeatureType, LoadFromDisk, SaveToDiskfrom eolearn.io import S2L1CWCSInput from eolearn.mask import AddCloudMaskTask, AddValidDataMaskTask, get_s2_pixel_cloud_detectorfrom eolearn.features import SimpleFilterTaskfrom eolearn.geometry import VectorToRaster
# Sentinel Hubfrom sentinelhub import BBox, CRS
# water observatory backendimport syssys.path.append('./water-observatory-backend/src')#from visualisation import plot_water_bodyfrom geom_utils import get_bboxfrom s2_water_extraction import get_water_level_opticalfrom visualisation import draw_multi, draw_poly
# otherimport urllib.request as requestimport jsonfrom datetime import datetimefrom shapely.wkt import loads



让我们以南非的 Theewaterskloof 大坝为例,这是一个重要的水库,为开普敦 400 万居民中的大部分人提供宝贵的资源。它是西开普省供水系统中最大的水坝,在干旱期间可能会出现低水位。有迹象表明人们对水资源短缺的意识有所增强。如何涵盖这样的主题显示了这个例子

南非 Theewaterskloof 水库

对于Theewaterskloof Dam——或地球上任何其他大型水体——可以通过BlueDot Water Observatory API 轻松获取几何图形。

通过搜索特定水体,您可以复制IDURL 中的数字以访问相应水体的标称几何形状(即38538url 中的数字https://water.blue-dot-observatory.com/38538/2019-02-05



ID = 38538
# function for obtaining the nominal water geometry from the water observatory APIdef get_nominal_geometry(ID): wb_url = f'https://water.blue-dot-observatory.com/api/waterbodies/{ID}/index.html' with request.urlopen(wb_url) as url: wb_data = json.loads(url.read().decode()) nominal_outline = shape(wb_data['nominal_outline']['geometry']) return nominal_outline
# utility function for plotting the geometrydef plot_geometry(geom, ax = None, **kwargs): if geom is None: return if geom.exterior is None: return x,y = geom.exterior.xy
if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) # get the nominal geometrygeom = get_nominal_geometry(ID)
# and plot itplot_geometry(geom)

现在我们需要这个几何体的边界框,以便下载Sentinel-2数据。定义了一个边界框并稍微膨胀它以构建一个与Sentinel Hub服务一起使用的BBox对象。BBox类也接受坐标系 (CRS),我们在几何中使用相同的坐标系(WGS84)。

# create BBox instancebbox = get_bbox(geom, inflate_bbox=0.1)
# plot the BBox and the geometryfig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))ax = fig.add_subplot(111)plot_geometry(bbox.geometry, ax)plot_geometry(geom, ax)    

绘制 BBox 和几何图形         


Sentinel Hub 服务eo-learn. 它是一个用于 Python 机器学习的开源地球观测处理框架,它提供无缝访问和处理任何卫星舰队获取的时空图像序列的能力。

eo-learn作为一个工作流工作——一个工作流由一个或多个任务组成。每个任务在称为 EOPatch 的区域的一小块区域上完成特定的工作(下载数据、计算波段组合等)。EOPatch 是 EO 和非 EO 数据的容器。

让我们定义一个工作流来下载和获取水检测所需的数据。我们将下载 RGB 波段,以便实际可视化水体的真彩色图像。此外,我们将下载将用于水检测的NDWI波段组合(归一化差异水指数(https://custom-scripts.sentinel-hub.com/sentinel-2/ndwi/))。它被定义为



Next: 一些将在工作流中使用的自定义任务的定义代码脚本         

# calculate fraction of pixels with non-zero valuesdef coverage(array): return 1.0 - np.count_nonzero(array)/np.size(array)
# a function to return valid data for the area as a union of pixels with non-zero values and pixels that contain no cloudsclass ValidDataPredicate: def __call__(self, eopatch): return np.logical_and(eopatch.mask['IS_DATA'].astype(np.bool), np.logical_not(eopatch.mask['CLM'].astype(np.bool)))
# definition of a task to calculate and add the valid coverage scalar to the EOPatchclass AddValidDataCoverage(EOTask): def execute(self, eopatch): vld = eopatch.get_feature(FeatureType.MASK, 'VALID_DATA') cvrg = np.apply_along_axis(coverage, 1, np.reshape(vld, (vld.shape[0], vld.shape[1]*vld.shape[2]))) eopatch.add_feature(FeatureType.SCALAR, 'COVERAGE', cvrg[:,np.newaxis]) return eopatch
# definition of a task for water mask and water level detectionclass WaterDetector(EOTask): def execute(self, eopatch): results = [get_water_level_optical(date, eopatch.data['NDWI'][idx,...,0], geom, bbox, simplify=True) for idx, date in enumerate(eopatch.timestamp)] df = list([x['geometry'] for x in results]) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry = df, crs = {'init': eopatch.bbox.crs.ogc_string()}) gdf['TIMESTAMP'] = eopatch.timestamp eopatch.add_feature(FeatureType.VECTOR, 'WATER_OUTLINE', gdf) eopatch.add_feature(FeatureType.SCALAR, 'WATER_LEVEL', np.array([x['water_level'] for x in results])[..., np.newaxis]) return eopatch



# TASK for downloading RGB bands# `TRUE-COLOR-S2-L1C` is the name of the layer defined in the Sentinel Hub configurator.# the arguments are the resolution of the image, max cloud coverage of the whole Satellite tile, and the instance ID for your Sentinel Hub accountinput_task = S2L1CWCSInput(layer='TRUE-COLOR-S2-L1C', resx='20m', resy='20m', maxcc=0.5, instance_id=None)
# TASK for downloading the NDWI band combination# other parameters are copied from the previous taskadd_ndwi = S2L1CWCSInput('NDWI')
# TASK for cloud detection# cloud probability map (CLP) and cloud mask (CLM) are calculated at 160 m resolution in order to speed up the processcloud_classifier = get_s2_pixel_cloud_detector(average_over=2, dilation_size=1, all_bands=False)cloud_det = AddCloudMaskTask(cloud_classifier, 'BANDS-S2CLOUDLESS', cm_size_y='160m', cm_size_x='160m', cmask_feature='CLM', cprobs_feature='CLP', instance_id=None)
# TASK for adding a raster mask of the nominal water extent (NOMINAL_WATER) # raster shape is provided by an existing feature inside of the EOPatchgdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(crs={'init':'epsg:4326'}, geometry=[geom])add_nominal_water = VectorToRaster(feature=(FeatureType.MASK_TIMELESS, 'NOMINAL_WATER'), vector_data=gdf, raster_value=1, raster_shape=(FeatureType.MASK, 'IS_DATA'), raster_dtype=np.uint8)
# TASK for adding valid data mask to the EOPatch (mask type)add_valmask = AddValidDataMaskTask(predicate=ValidDataPredicate())
# TASK for adding valid data coverage to the EOPatch (scalar type)add_coverage = AddValidDataCoverage()
# TASK for water detectionwater_det = WaterDetector()


输出:完成加载模型,总共使用了 170 次迭代

# initialize the workflowworkflow = LinearWorkflow(input_task, add_ndwi, cloud_det, add_nominal_water, add_valmask, add_coverage, water_det)
# time interval definitiontime_interval = ['2016-01-01','2019-3-1']
# execute the workflowresult = workflow.execute({ input_task: { 'bbox': bbox, 'time_interval': time_interval },})
# result is in the form of a dictionaryeopatch = list(result.values())[-1]


输出:CPU 时间:用户 3 分钟 9 秒,系统:14.7 秒,总计:3 分钟 24 秒     
时间:3 分钟 23 秒         

`EOPatch` 的结构



# get aspect ratio of image for better plottingimage_ar = eopatch.mask_timeless['NOMINAL_WATER'].shape[0] / eopatch.mask_timeless['NOMINAL_WATER'].shape[1]
# plot the NDWI at different datesfig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,15*image_ar))
for i in range(12): ax = plt.subplot(3,4,i+1) ax.imshow(eopatch.data['NDWI'][i].squeeze(), vmin = 0, vmax = 1) ax.axis('off') plt.tight_layout(pad=0)       


def plot_waterbody(img, date, dam_poly, dam_bbox, water_extent, water_level, color_nominal='white', color_current='xkcd:lime', ax = None):
shape = img.shape[0:2] if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10,10)) ax.imshow(img,extent=[dam_bbox.min_x,dam_bbox.max_x,dam_bbox.min_y,dam_bbox.max_y]) if isinstance(dam_poly, Polygon): draw_poly(ax,dam_poly, color=color_nominal) elif isinstance(dam_poly, MultiPolygon): draw_multi(ax,dam_poly, color=color_nominal) if isinstance(water_extent, Polygon): draw_poly(ax,water_extent, color=color_current) elif isinstance(water_extent, MultiPolygon): draw_multi(ax, water_extent, color=color_current)

# get aspect ratio of image for better plottingimage_ar = eopatch.data['TRUE-COLOR-S2-L1C'][0].shape[0] / eopatch.data['TRUE-COLOR-S2-L1C'][0].shape[1]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,15*image_ar))
for i in range(12): ax = plt.subplot(3,4,i+1) plot_waterbody(eopatch.data['TRUE-COLOR-S2-L1C'][i], eopatch.timestamp[i], geom, bbox, eopatch.vector['WATER_OUTLINE']['geometry'][i], eopatch.scalar['WATER_LEVEL'][i], ax=ax) ax.axis('off') plt.tight_layout(pad=0)


真实水位与Theewaterskloof Dam大坝的轮廓进行比较,一清二楚         


def plot_water_levels(eopatch, max_coverage=1.0): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,7))
dates = np.asarray(eopatch.timestamp) ax.plot(dates[eopatch.scalar['COVERAGE'][...,0]<max_coverage], eopatch.scalar['WATER_LEVEL'][eopatch.scalar['COVERAGE'][...,0]<max_coverage], 'bo-',alpha=0.7, label='Water Level') ax.plot(dates[eopatch.scalar['COVERAGE'][...,0]<max_coverage], eopatch.scalar['COVERAGE'][eopatch.scalar['COVERAGE'][...,0]<max_coverage], '--',color='gray',alpha=0.7, label='Cloud Coverage') ax.set_ylim(0.0,1.1) ax.set_xlabel('Date') ax.set_ylabel('Water Level') ax.set_title('Detected Water Level') ax.grid(axis='y') ax.legend(loc='best') return ax
# plot the water level with no cloudy scene filtering (accept all clouds)ax = plot_water_levels(eopatch, 1.0);       




plot_water_levels(eopatch, 0.02);



















